Dogecoin, Bitcoin, NFT… at the center of a new episode of Futurama

After 10 year breakthe team of Matt GreeningTHE father of the simpsons, decides to resume service. Two weeks ago, the American platform Hulu marked the return of the cult series with the broadcast of “The Impossible Stream”. This was followed by “Children of a Lesser Bog” and ” How the West Was 101001 », where we talk about bitcoin, cryptos and NFT.

Bitcoin, a star in Futurama season 11

Matt Groening has yet to burn his last cartridges. The man who created The Simpsons, a series in which we find predictions such as the election of Donald Trump as POTUS or even the ATH at 589 dollars for XRP, is still being talked about.

From the first quarter of 2023, the presses echoed the Futurama returns after a 10-year hiatus. According to the latest news, Hulu kept its promise by broadcasting “The Impossible Stream” on its platform and Disney+ on July 24th.

Bitcoin gets a place in Futurama

The last episode of Futurama showcases bitcoin.

‘Virtual money is skyrocketing once again. A high-tech gold rush’. »

According to Cointelegraph, episode 3 of season 11 of Futurama deals with the topic of bitcoin. Except that in the episode “How the West Was 1010001”, we mock BTC miners.

Here is the story: main characters from Futurama (Fry, Leela, Bender, Amy, Hermes and others) are debt-ridden. The robot mafia forces them to go west where the ” CryptoCountry »

This adventure exposes them to other constraints that currently prevail in the real world. Among them: the environmental issues of bitcoinwhich cannot be separated from high material requirements such as thallium (in the series).

In the literal Wild West of Futurama, the quest for a dirty and cheap electricity » is part of everyday life. Objective: to extract blocks of BTC.

This third episode, released on August 6, also highlights the permanent volatility of bitcoin. In the year 3023, that is to say in 1,000 years, the queen of cryptocurrencies will still not lose its volatile nature.

Other featured cryptos

The Dogecoin also had the right to the red carpet in How the West Was 101001. Collider reports that Elon Musk’s favorite memecoin looms large in the Wild West of the Crypto Country.

Incidentally, Futurama granted a scene featuring Fry’s team aboard a covered wagon entering ” Doge City “. While treading the ground in this crypto city, Professor Farnsworth did not fail to extol the merits of cryptocurrencies. He even tested the Inestimable Toxicity Thallium through his teeth.

In this story, the team was faced with the difficulties of cryptocurrency mining: anarchy, volatility, insecurity, etc. No one reached out to them in this adventure. The only prospector who served as their interlocutor had only the mission of reducing the population of the Crypto Country. He died of a heart attack after achieving his goal.

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