What if the Great Reset was hyperinflation followed by the advent of the CBDC…
paypal scandal
Article 11 of the declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen says that “the free communication of thoughts and opinions is one of the most precious rights of man”. “Any citizen can therefore speak, write, print freely […] “.
Being stripped of your money to say what you think can only be a conspiracy theory, right?
And yet, PayPal wanted to grant itself the right to steal 2,500 dollars from its customers who broadcast ” disinformation “ (fake news).
The payments giant has since backtracked, saying its new policy has been released ” by mistake “ :
“A usage policy notice was recently released in error and contained incorrect information. PayPal does not fine people who spread false information and this language was never intended to be in our policy. We are sorry for the confusion caused. »
Even former PayPal president David Marcus took offense on twitter:
“PayPal’s new User Policy goes against everything I believe in. A private company can now decide to take your money if they don’t approve of what you say. This is madness. »
Thus, after the censorship practiced on an industrial scale by Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and others, here is that Paypal dreams of ruining the dissidents who would allow themselves to question the doxa.
There is no doubt that this new liberticidal attack foreshadows what central bankers dream of with the CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency).
Note that Bercy also triggered the outcry by requesting real-time access to all French bank statements. The Ministry of the Economy swears to the great gods that it only requested access to the “balance as well as the number of operations of each bank account”.
Future capital controls? Everything in its time…
One CBDC to control them all
Common sense leads one to ask why create CBDCs in a world where payments are already digitized? Would their raison d’être be difficult to admit?
This is to be feared given that the CBDC advertises itself everywhere as a “programmable” currency. In other words, its use would be conditioned. It could even become “perishable”. In any case, this is what the Indian central bank has declared beginning of October :
“CBDCs provide the ability to program money by conditioning its end use. For example, we could ensure that the money from an agricultural credit can be spent nowhere else than at input dealers [semences, pesticides, engrais]. […] Programmability could also have implications for [mieux transmettre] monetary policy. We could push consumption by adding an expiration date after which the money will disappear. »
We can read further than “This programmability can be achieved by using smart contracts, which are rules in the form of code that runs during a transaction to verify that the token is ‘correctly’ spent.”
Speaking of smart contract, let’s note in passing that the Norwegian central bank is based on the code of Ethereum to to build its own CBDC… All that remains is to swap cryptographic pseudonyms for biometric digital identities and voila. How ironic…
Every move, every purchase, every action, every thought and every word… tracked, judged, rewarded or punished.
It was the beginning of the end. […] »
Digital identity is the spearhead of the Great Reset. The Fed Chairman has declared early October that the transactions of a possible CBDC “would not be anonymous”and that they would require “verify his identity”.
We come to the great hobby of Bill Gates, founder of the “Digital Identity Alliance “. The pseudo philanthropist signed a check for 200 million dollars on the occasion of the sixth annual report “Goalkeepers” United Nations.
The report identifies biometrics as one of the three technological pillars that will support “equitable distribution of resources in developing countries”.
The other two pillars are smartphones and bank accounts (not to say CBDC…). The $200 million will go to “create interoperable digital identity and payment systems”.
Speaking to The Defender, Michael Rectenwald, author of “Google Archipelago: The Digital Gulag and the Simulation of Freedom”put in keep against the negative consequences of digital IDs.
“Of all the means of identifying and tracking people, digital identity is perhaps the worse technological threat to individual freedom that has never existed,” did he declare. “It allows us to potentially trace, track, monitor and compile a complete record of all our activities from cradle to grave. »
CBDC and totalitarian dystopia
The digital identity will serve as a means of coercion. Yesterday the health pass, tomorrow rationing, or even worse. Linking our payment methods to digital ID is a one-way ticket to ” social credit of the Chinese Communist Party.
The exact methodology of this scoring system still in the testing phase is a secret. Only a few million Chinese are currently rated, but there are plans to roll it out nationwide.
The goal is ultimately to create a totalitarian system. Good citizens will be able to climb the social ladder while bad citizens will be starved of opportunities. Ban on buying plane or train tickets, slow internet connection, etc.
With purchase histories being the holy grail of data mining for breaking someone up to date, the CBDC would be the cornerstone of such an apartheid 2.0 system.
And more…
For Indian Aman Cheema, Head of Global Payments and CBDCs at FIS, the overall goal is to put an end to cash: “We believe ending cash will encourage more people to get a bank account.”
Why ? To indebt hundreds of millions of Indians. “The CBDC can help increase a country’s GDP”he confessed.
Indeed, increasing GDP per capita requires increasing “productivity”. If everyone produces more, everyone consumes more and GDP rises, logical.
Except that productivity is not invoked. It is intimately linked to the amount of energy available. Without additional energy, machines do not produce more and GDP stagnates.
With energy becoming scarcer since the peak of conventional oil in 2008, we have no other choice. We need to put more people to work. This is what Aman Cheema suggests without saying so.
To put it simply, our energy availability is not sufficient to support the injection of money needed to keep our economic system going. And she never will be
That’s why the world is getting weirder and weirder. End of cash and forced banking are ultimate attempts to perpetuate the ponzi and try to curb inflation.
Later, the powerful would use the CBDC to avoid hyperinflation through rationing. But, you will own bitcoins, and you will be happy.
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