In August 2022, Pavel Durov said he wanted “add a bit of Web 3.0 to Telegram”. Indeed, the CEO of Telegram wanted to market NFTs of the platform’s usernames. Now Telegram is ready to realize Pavel Durov’s project.
Towards the launch of a sales platform
The Telegram team has created a channel specifically to update users on the progress of Pavel Durov’s project. She recently declared on the channel:A few weeks ago, the founder and CEO of Telegram announced the upcoming possibility of buying and selling unique and recognizable Telegram usernames“.
The team has announcement the good news that “the development phase is almost complete and the auction platform will be launched soon“. She explained that the username NFT trading platform will be based on the TON blockchain.
You should know that CEO Pavel Durov plans to market other elements of the Telegram platform. Thus, in the future, the new marketplace could offer NFTs. It could also sell Telegram channels, stickers and emoji.
A project inspired by an auction on TON
The plan to market Telegram username NFTs is inspired by the auction held by TON a few months earlier. During the month of August 2022, Pavel Durov explained that Telegram could do like The Open Network (TON). It turns out that the latter had collected 2,392,002 toncoins by selling 2,000 .ton domain names.
“If TON was able to achieve such results, imagine how successful Telegram could be with its 700 million users if we auctioned off reserved @usernames, group and channel links“said Pavel Durov.
TON: the Durov brothers’ blockchain
Telegram started studying blockchain solutions in 2018. At the time, the platform was working on the project called “Telegram Open Network”. It had managed to raise $1.7 billion through a private sale of TON tokens.
But, the project was abandoned in 2020, after the United States SEC decided, in 2019, to prosecute Telegram. Despite everything, the developers did not stop working on the project. So in 2022, the creators (the Durov brothers) of Telegram launched The Open Network (TON).
After the successful auction of wallet usernames on TON, Pavel Durov decided to create NFTs of Telegram usernames. The auction platform for these NFTs will soon be available.
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