How to easily earn Bitcoins (BTC) with Bitget?

Good news for all crypto enthusiasts. From September 22 to 30, the Bitget platform offers you the chance to win a Bitcoin (BTC) thanks to its contest.

Earn Bitcoin with a contest

Nothing could be easier to earn a Bitcoin. It only takes 5 minutes, a few clicks and you’re done. You must first register on Bitget by following this link : It will take you less than 40 seconds by following these steps:

  • Click on the button ” Register »
  • Select the button ” Register now »
  • Insert your e-mail address or your telephone number and validate

Registration is complete once the security codes are verified. Rather simple indeed. In addition, you have the opportunity to take part in the referral program by inviting your friends. Find the registration instructions on Bitget in video:

How does the Bitget contest work to win Bitcoin?

The sequel is very easy to learn. Indeed, you only have to follow the Twitter accounts of @BitgetFrance and of @CoinTribuneEN. Then, it’s up to you to retweet, like, and tag one of your friends on the ad. Finally, all you have to do is let your luck work.

Bitget will communicate the result on its account Twitter October 4. As for the 5 lucky winners, they will be chosen from the list of registrants and will share the Bitcoin in question.

About Bitget

Present in more than 50 countries, Bitget is a cryptocurrency exchange platform created in 2018. With a portfolio of 2 million people, the digital asset platform offers a variety of services to its customers, including: trading derivatives, spot trading, social trading and copy trading. Thanks to its innovative products, Bitget appeals to both amateurs and professionals.

The countdown begins. Don’t wait any longer and try your luck. Your Bitcoin is just a few clicks away.

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