Cryptos in China: From legal status to ecological threat in an Instant

In the tumultuous landscape of modern finance, China stands like a giant oscillating between the adoption and repression of cryptocurrencies. While the nation seemed to be paving the way for a more crypto-friendly future, a recent event casts a shadow over that prospect. Let’s dive into the heart of this contemporary epic where crypto sometimes finds a haven of peace, sometimes a battlefield on Chinese soil.

A major legal turning point: Crypto put to the test by Justice

Barely a week ago, a breath of hope swept through the crypto industry in China. In an earthquake-like verdict, a Chinese court has ruled that cryptocurrencies are now recognized as legal property, providing some legal protection in the Chinese crypto ecosystem.

This decision, based on the palpable economic value of cryptocurrencies and their potential as a medium of exchange, seemed to mark the beginning of a new era, conducive to the development of crypto on Chinese soil.

But this glimmer of hope was short-lived. A recent affair has cast doubt on China’s true positioning vis-à-vis the world of cryptocurrencies.

In this casea contract related to Filecoin mining was declared invalid, accused of violating the principles of green development and social and public interests.

The plaintiff, Zhou, had hired a technology company to operate an IPFS storage server, hoping to earn Filecoi rewardsnot. But the reality of state restrictions on virtual currencies came knocking, forcing Zhou to turn to the courts to seek justice.

The Ecological Threat: A Sword of Damocles on Crypto

Zhou’s case highlights growing concern about the environmental impact of crypto mining. The court emphasized that Filecoin, not enjoying fiduciary status or legal protectionconstitutes a threat to the national green development policy.

The considerable energy required to mine this crypto is in stark contradiction to the country’s efforts to reduce carbon emissions and promote a greener future. This legal decision comes in a context of contradictory measures taken by the Chinese government.

While some regions appear to welcome crypto, others continue to push back against it, creating an atmosphere of uncertainty and volatility. Investors and businesses must navigate these murky waters, where the legal compass seems to change direction every moment.

Towards an Uncertain Future?

In this changing and unpredictable picture, the future of crypto in China remains up in the air. Recent fluctuations in legal and political decisions cast doubt on the direction the world’s most populous country will take with respect to the crypto industry.

While some see these contradictions as a sign of imminent balance, others fear that China is definitively turning its back on a booming sector.

In the midst of this turbulence, the crypto community is holding its breath, anticipating the next maneuvers of the Asian giant. Will he be the architect of a crypto revolution or the gravedigger of a fleeting dream? Only the future will tell us. In this wait, the eyes of the world remain fixed on China, this colossus with feet of clay in the fluctuating world of crypto. Meanwhile, India is accelerating in crypto with Ripple.

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