Bitcoin: Peter Todd is not Satoshi Nakamoto, Adam Back demolishes this theory!

The identity of Satoshi Nakamoto continues to fascinate the world. This mysterious creator of Bitcoin, at the origin of a real revolution in the field of cryptos, is still little known. Despite years of speculation, no one has ever managed to unravel the mystery. Currently, the HBO documentary Money Electric: The Bitcoin Mystery revived the debates by asserting that Peter Todd, a Canadian developer well known in the community, would be the man behind Satoshi Nakamoto. This statement quickly ignited discussions and provoked strong reactions, notably that of Adam Back, who disagreed with this theory.

A mysterious computer screen with lines of code representing the Bitcoin blockchain, bathed in dim light. In the background, blurred silhouettes of unidentifiable individuals, symbolizing the anonymity of Satoshi Nakamoto. The atmosphere should be both intriguing and enigmatic, without revealing identities, to illustrate the mystery surrounding the creator of Bitcoin. All against a dark background, highlighting the decentralized and anonymous nature of crypto.

The theory of the eccentric founder undermined

During an interview, Adam Back, the founder of Blockstream, shared his opinion on the identity of the creator of Bitcoin, notably in response to speculation put forward in the HBO documentary “Money Electric: The Bitcoin Mystery”. Contrary to the assertions that link Peter Todd to Satoshi Nakamoto, Back is categorical. “I'm pretty confident it's not anyone we're talking about,” he explains. According to him, the technical skills necessary to create the Bitcoin protocol exceed those of the people highlighted in the documentary. Furthermore, Back insists that these discussions should not focus on a specific individual, but rather on the values ​​carried by the technology itself.

Adam Back also highlights another crucial aspect: the importance for Bitcoin of not having a charismatic or controversial figurehead. Unlike some tech companies run by eccentric leaders, “the fact that there is no public founder makes Bitcoin more robust, less vulnerable to controversy or human error,” declared Back. For him, this decentralized structure allows Bitcoin to position itself not as a creation, but as a fundamental technological discovery, a universal commodity.

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The errors of the Todd theory

Beyond general criticism of the idea of ​​an eccentric founder, Adam Back specifically questioned HBO's findings that Peter Todd was Satoshi Nakamoto. The documentary's argument is based on an interaction on the BitcoinTalk forums dating from 2010, where a message from Todd was allegedly confused with that of Satoshi. Todd, who entered the Bitcoin space well after 2008, quickly refuted this theory. He calls it an error based on a misinterpretation of events. Back supports this dispute and underlines the chronology of the facts: “Peter Todd was still a student at that time, he only joined the development of Bitcoin in 2014,” he recalls.

The implications of such assertions go beyond a simple discussion among experts. For Adam Back, allowing unfounded theories to spread can tarnish the image of Bitcoin among the general public, especially in a period when the technology is experiencing increasing adoption. “It is essential that those who truly understand the mission of Bitcoin speak up to avoid storytelling errors,” he said. If documentaries like HBO's become the gold standard for the history of Bitcoin, it could sow confusion, but also fuel erroneous narratives about what the asset really is and what it means for the future. global financier.

Adam Back's intervention about the HBO documentary provides more information on an often neglected reality: the absence of a central figure in the Bitcoin ecosystem is not a flaw, but a strength.

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