Why would a movement protesting against the reduction in purchasing power support an instrument of speculation? This is the question that analysts ask themselves when they see the “Buy Bitcoin” injunction on the back of a yellow vest. But, you should know that since its birth in 2018, the Yellow Vests movement has been linked to a crypto.
The common points between Bitcoin and the Yellow Vests
In the video ofa tweet of Discover Bitcoin on August 29, we can see on the back of a yellow vest, the injunction “Buy Bitcoin“. This may seem intriguing, but after analysis, we notice several points of convergence between the Yellow Vests and Bitcoin (BTC).
Both distrust elites (political and financial), criticize the current economic system and aim for decentralized citizen self-organization. The Yellow Vests movement and bitcoin (BTC) may therefore be waging the same fight, without using the same weapons.
However, some remain intrigued by the fact that a tool linked to financial speculation like Bitcoin is linked to the Yellow Vests. After all, this movement militates in favor of purchasing power, which may seem incompatible with bitcoin (BTC).
In addition, you should know that there is a cryptocurrency that has been part of the Yellow Vests movement since 2018. It is GiletJauneCoin (GJCO) which is worth about 0.0089 dollars currently according to CoinGecko. Its 24-hour trading volume is estimated at $14.65.
The GiletJauneCoin (GJCO) was created with the aim of “support the international movement of yellow vests in the legitimate struggle of peoples to self-determination, and the reconquest of their economic, territorial and monetary sovereignty“. It was “inspired by bitcoin” and is a duplication of the Ethereum Classic (ETC) protocol.
Since its beginnings, the Yellow Vests movement has been connected to crypto which supports it in some way. In short, the price of the crypto GiletJauneCoin (GJCO) has increased by 10.6% in the last 24 hours. 10 months ago, in November 2021, it reached an all-time high of around $0.0315.
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