¿End of tax loopholes for jubilados in France? Una medida polemica in door

The global economy is struggling, and France is no exception. Between the overwhelming inflation and the presumed deficits, the margins of manipulation are reduced. Inspired by models like those of Argentina and the United States under Donald Trump, some of them are not included in public reports. Patrick Martin, president of Medef, proposes an impactful measure: eliminate the 10% tax deduction for jubilees. Una idea que hace chirriar los dientes en las casas como en los clubs de bridge.

Protest of pensioners in France

El Medef fights against tax deductions

Patrick Martin does not have the same language: “Estamos drugged to public gas.» Para él, This tax deduction is a vestigio of a past era. Introduced in 1945, tenia as objectivo compensate for residual professional gases of jubilations.

Hoy en día, this debt is due: 2,000,000 euros per yearsegún el Consejo de Orientación de las Jubilaciones (COR).

¿Qué arguments present el Medef?

  • A useful device: Accommodated joys benefit more than modest ones;
  • An important cost: In the time of deficits, cada euro cuenta;
  • Un anacronismo: Las ayudas sociales han evolved, haciendo que este beneficio sea les menos justificable.

By Patrick Martin, this suppression series a more equitable alternative as a freezing of pensions. Without embargo, the associations of jubilados arise, it comes as a direct attack to the power to acquire the most vulnerable.

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¿A tax deduction for professional gases when there is no work? It's like looking like a pez! » ironized a trade unionist. But humor is not enough to conceal worries.

Jubilation: a reform that divides

There removal of tax deduction podría have 500,000 jubilant hotels in Caigan in the impuestosegun algunos economistas. This is an example of a pair that receives €1,662 each year: it charges from €682 to €1,320 annually.

This fiscal shock concerns the unions, like the Union Confederal de Jubilados (UCR), which denounces an unfair measure.

The criticisms also llueven from the ones of the experts. The Jubilee Guidance Council, however, has removed the high cost of this debt, but it has not been eliminated. ¿Why? Pork This device benefits from all the intermediary joysa category that has little to do with tax reforms.

If it is proposed to divide, it is also due to affects a fragile segment. Our modest jubilations will be saved, even though they have intermediate measures to prevent their deteriorating situation. Sin embargo, estos hogares forman la majorityía de los beneficiaries.

El gobierno, por su parte, permanece cauteloso. François Bayrou has not been pronounced, but the presupposed margins are reduced. The tax deduction can be converted into a simple receipt.

An economy in the field of solutions

The debate goes much further than the question of pensions. Para el Medef, the theme is more expanded: How to restore a low pressure economy? Asshole a public deficit that amounts to 4% of GDPthe comparison with countries like Italia is impactful. Mientras que nuestros vecinos transalpinos han reducido sus deficits recortando gastos, Francia aún duda.

Patrick Martin llama has a “regime” for the State: menos gastos sociales y una reforma de los impuestos obligatorios. The idea of a social IVA resurfacing, al igual que la de ampliar ciertas fiscal bases.

But the balance is delicate. Reducir demasiado las ayudas puede worsen social tensionsHowever, increasing the costs could slow down economic recovery.

Finally, Medef's proposals are inscribed in a global context marked by the rise of the Chinese yuan and the persistent influence of United States. Enter Donald Trump who claimed austere policies y China that is imposing itself in the economic scene, France will have to find a balance.

Para Martin, he heard the moment to react: “We cannot escape», affirmed.

Therefore, the future of French public finances is therefore suspended in crucial decisions. Simplify, reformar, recortar: verbs that resuenan in the political and social arenas.

Without embargo, a new innovation is included in the tax bill. The introduction of bitcoin into the French jubilation, through associations like VanEck Europe and Inter Invest, offers new perspectives. A fresh area for older people and solutions before a future tax issue.

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