On September 22, the event long awaited by the Cardano (ADA) community took place. The Vasil hard fork was a real success, as evidenced by the many positive reactions. Discover the improvements made by this operation.
Several good news on Cardano (ADA)
Recent data from Input Output Global (IOG) indicates that activity on the Cardano network is in good shape. As of September 30, we counted 1,113 projects that rely on the blockchain and 100 projects launched. The Cardano (ADA) network also has 6.1 million tokens and 3,307 Plutus scripts. To date, there have been over 50.3 million transactions.
In addition, the IOG company had announced that Cardano’s Vasil hard fork has significantly increased network performance and capacity. Since September 27, blockchain users have access to new features. Cardano (ADA) notably supports nodes for referral entries, referral scripts, and more.
IOG also stated that “early reports from DApp developers are very promising“. Among the reports on Cardano (ADA), there is a document on the NFT Artano marketplace. This is powered by the network. Artano’s report mentions that “Vasil’s features provide significant benefits by reducing transaction sizes and market operating costs (i.e. NFT buying and bidding)“.
On September 29, MuesliSwap, a Cardano-based decentralized exchange, expressed their amazement at Vasil’s features. He said he noticed “amazing reference pointsfollowing the launch of its Plutus V2 scripts. “Vasil’s powerhe exclaimed.
Despite all the positive reactions to the Vasil hard fork and the impressive progress seen, the Cardano network is still getting booed by some members of the crypto community. Many argue that the Cardano blockchain has done nothing out of the ordinary.
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