🟠Web3Connect live: Follow the crypto event in Geneva

Let’s go ! The Web3Connect crypto event in Geneva begins with a coffee and croissant session for its renowned guests. On the program, discussions on all Blockchain topics, including a specific focus on Switzerland. Follow this day of connections and intense debates alongside Tremplin.io!

10 a.m.: It’s now time for Coffee break time!

After a brilliant intervention from Alex Zinder from Ledger, and two conferences full of debates about the Swiss legal framework and crypto as an investment, the first discussion session for the public arrived.

A warm atmosphere, bordered by the luxurious setting of the Fédération des Entreprises Romandes de Genève, a perfect place to feel at home in an ecosystem that already gives us this impression.

Laurent Marochini: Innovation at Société Générale

In continuation of the intense day that is the Web3Connect in Geneva, a conference about Security Tokenization is held.

On the microphone, Mr. Marochini, who explains how Société Générale positioned itself in this market in 2018, alongside Biba Homsy, from the regulatory ecosystem. The challenges are diverse for tokenization in the future, and according to the talented speakers, traditional finance will be tokenized.

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